
our friends

We can actually say that we have friends here in Portland now:) wierd:) Brandon works with Jen in the enrollment office of Western and Brandon has been Cory's "assignment" for a project he has been doing for his counseling degree. We've actually been friends with Jen and Cory for a few months now, but now something both exciting and depressing is happening in July. They applied for resident director positions for Corban College down in Salem and got the jobs!! This is a dream come true for both of them and we couldn't be happier for them. Jen wants to ultimately teach so this is a great way to get her foot in the door. Plus, we might get to take over their current apartment...great deal for us! However, there is a down side. They will be moving (about 45 min. South of here) and we won't get to see them as much anymore. We will miss their friendship and their willingness to play games with us!

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