
Weekend in Sunriver, OR

We just got back from a super fun couple of days in central Oregon with about half of our Young Married Small Group. We feel so blessed to call all of these people our friends and wish the others could have made it! Here are some pics:

walking in old downtown Bend, Or

John, Crystal, and Jamie about to eat at a yummy burger place

John and Crystal

Josh, Tiffany and my friend Raleigh the cockapoo:)

the crew (minus me)

walking in beautiful Drake Park

Jamie and Dave

playing games at the condo...of course!!

Crystal and Raleigh:)

Anna and Kevin

my favorite place..by the fire:)

ok this picture needs a bit of explaining. This weekend also happend to be both Jamie and Dave's birthdays. John had a "great" idea of putting on a skit for them as a present. here are John (as Dave)and Brandon(as Jamie) in the skit...that's all i'm going to say about that

"sliding down the stairs" races...oh the things you can come up with at midnight

the crew the morning we left (minus Crystal)

our lovely drive home...it was raining sheets on us!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

poor raleigh never gets to use his own legs. great job on brandon's haircut, callie.