
well, it snowed in portland this weekend. not the stick-to-the-ground kind we get in colorado, but i still saw flakes falling from the sky. and for those of you who read Emi's blog (link to the right) just know that i was not as excited as she was. :)
besides the fact that i froze this weekend, we had a lot of fun. on saturday we volunteered with our chuch for the prison ministry. brandon and i went shopping with another couple for presents for kids whose fathers are in prison. we also got to help with the wrapping team after that! this ministry is close to our hearts and we were ecstatic to participate.
brandon worked on homework all weekend and is beginning to feel the crunch before the end of the semester. i sat on my rear end and watched him:) i mean, i kept him on task...riiiight. we are both soooo ready for our Christmas break and for a chance to go home for vacation.
it's also about time that i shared about my job change. God works in mysterious and sometime unexpected and confusing ways sometime...ok, most of the time. this was one of them. i was not looking for a new job or looking to work for a new family, but starting in january i will be watching a little 2 month old boy for a family in the northeast part of town(much closer to us) instead of keeping adeline. it has been a hard thing to understand and to accept, but we are trusting that God sees the big picture much better than we do. it's actually a huge blessing, as well, because it's a pay raise with many benefits. so there you go!
thanks for everyone who continues to pray for us. we definitely feel your prayers and God continues to bless our socks off everytime we turn around!


em said...

wow-i'm excited to hear details at Christmas but i'm glad you have peace.
isn't wrapping gifts the best part?! love that! i know those kids were blessed by your service-good job.

Unknown said...

God's blessings come in the most unexpected ways! Keep your eyes OPEN!

Sarah Saunier said...

So I guess that snowshoeing for our girl time is out of the question?

Brandon and Callie said...

haha...oh, you're serious?!?!

Claudia said...

Oh my goodness Callie, Mo is so cute. What a precious little face.