

So last weekend was great! The Oregon Coast is beautiful (although still very cold at this time of year). It makes sense why they say the Oregon "coast" instead of "beach". Anyways, we arrived Friday evening and met up with one of the gals that I nanny with and her husband (Marci and Josh) and played Settlers of Catan (yes, Brandon brought a variety of games with us "just in case"). The next morning we joined them for breakfast and then sat in class for the next 6 hours:) This is actually why we went. The Northwest Marriage Institute offered a free nights stay at Cannon Beach/free dinner to attend their marriage seminar. We figured that we could sit through a class if it meant a free weekend! It was pretty good information too. Afterwards we took a walk down the beach with some couples from our church (how we heard about it) and then had dinner at Moe's. Sunday's weather was much sunnier so we stayed around for while for some photo ops on the beach and then headed home. All in all, it felt GREAT to be on the coast again. There's just something about standing in front of the vast ocean and thinking about how small I am. More than that, it reminds me of the great God that I serve who tells the tide where to stop on the sand and controls the waves. "He put the stars in the sky and He knows them by name..." (David Crowder) Last week I also went to PJ day with the nannies! Mo met a new friend. He's getting so big--I really need to take some new pictures of him.


Sara said...

I love Moe's! We always used to eat there when we were on the coast. Glad you guys got to get away for a weekend (and learn about marriage :) I miss Oregon and Washington! Have a great week!

Hannah said...

glad you two had fun!