
too many goodbyes!

this part of moving is nooooooooooooooooooo fun.

you know, the part where you start to miss everyone that you're leaving. i really hate the saying goodbye to everyone. it's way more fun to look forward to what's coming and be excited than it is to look around at what you're leaving. after today i think i'm giving up goodbyes.

i got to hang out with little Mo and his mom at the park today to say ..... that word. remember this little guy?

well, he doesn't look like that anymore. here is little man at the park today.

the first picture was taken the first week that I worked with little Mo. He was about 8 weeks at that point. It's crazy to think that my own baby is now almost 8 weeks old. He is such a sweet boy--giving me hugs when he sees me and telling me that he likes me :) we're so thankful to have known this family and loved on them just a little.

ugh, see this part really sucks. but this also reminds me that i should post 'then' and 'now' pics of all the babies i've loved on since being here in Oregon. you'd be shocked at how fast they all grow.

well, for now i'm going to forget about all the goodbyes and focus on relaxing with my little fam for my b-day tomorrow. sunshine and cake in my future!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We so look forward to having you closer at hand!!