
It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS!!

We're really excited about our tiny Xmas tree, especially compared to last year. This is what you can afford when you are flying home. Plus what do you want to spend money on when you won't be there the whole time. I hope you enjoy our fun with the tree. We can't wait to see you all soon!


em said...

ok, SO CUTE!!! and i love the mountain man beard :) can't wait to see you guys!

Claudia said...

Your mom thinks it is precious!!!Reminds me of a few Charlie Brown trees I've had.

Hannah said...

your tree is perfect! we decided not to get a tree this year... maybe next... thanks for your support when it comes to smelling likes starbucks-nasty and bringing home the bacon. glad we can live this life together! so excited to see you next weekend, callie (and b)!

Unknown said...

You guys are too cute!!