
this is going to be in bullet point because i'm too lazy to put whole sentences together and to transition from one thought to another...
-i (callie) have the week off!
-spent yesterday with my husband, shopped for a dress
-found a dress...long day
-dress is for my anniversary present (tickets to broadway show)
-painted kitchen the most delicious blue!!!
-that made my week
-really hot in oregon
-100 degrees tomorrow
-just played tennis...out of shape
-saw emi last weekend (love her!)
-3 tomatoes growing on our plant
thanks for reading...if you didn't make it through the whole thing, i understand:)

1 comment:

em said...

ok, 1. you're adorable; 2. love you and wish i could see you every week! :) 3. can't wait to see pictures of you all dolled up from broadway!