
breathe deeply

I am catching a quick breath after putting one little girl down for a nap and getting another one up from her nap. I have had to remind myself several times today to "breathe deeply", to not throw sippy cups across the kitchen, and that singing songs endlessly is part of repetition and it helps little girl brains to develop. Today is one of those days when I've had to pray over and over again for patience, especially when a certain 15 month old doesn't have any. Today is one of the days I question Brandon's and my decision to have lots of kids :)

I'm sure all of you have those days at your jobs too. The days when you say, "how could it only be Tuesday?". If you have had one of those days, just know that I sympathize with you and wish we could go get a cup of coffee and talk about it. And in talking, I'm sure that we would both realize how trivial our "todays" are in light of what other people are experiencing today. We didn't go hungry today, we had plenty of clean water to drink, and we are not experiencing moral or physical injustice as so many are.

I guess sometimes all it takes is sitting down for a quick 30 minutes of blogging to get my head right again. To put things into perspective. And to thank God for what He has given me today. I think this blog was more for me than it was for you today :)


em said...

ha. i totally get that. i hope tomorrow is better! love you.

doons said...

physical injustice is moral injustice:)

Brandon and Callie said...

ok, landon, delete 'or' and insert 'and'. whatever :)

Taylor and Joanna said...

that blog was for me too:)

Claudia said...

I think you are doing great. I wish I was as spiritually mature as you when I was your age!! I love you, mom