
Calling all prayers.... :)

Ok...so this is Brandon. You know I rarely post...so if I do, that means I must have something to say.

Stage 1: Some of you may know, or may not know, that since arriving in Portland at Western Seminary that I have changed my degree from the Masters of Divinity to a MA in Biblical and Theological Studies. The MA BTS is 2/3 of the MDIV but I felt it was the 2/3 that I really was hoping to get out of my education. Part of the reason that I dropped down to the MA BTS is that I wanted to pick up a few education classes (curriculum dev., classroom mang., etc.). The school just down the road just started a MA in Teaching and I thought what a great opportunity to prepare myself for the classroom and to be a high school teacher.

Stage 2: Upon beginning courses in the MAT, I realized that Western has a 'staff' exchange scholarship that allowed me to take credits for basically nothing. So I decided I would take as many courses as I could but I did not plan on entering the full MAT program because student-teaching was not a reality for me. Callie and I are tight on budget anyway...so for me not to work would be nearly impossible. Since then though, God provided Callie with the new job that she started in January which was enough extra cash for us to think about me student-teaching. As we prayed about it and sought council it seemed that I should go ahead and fully apply for the MAT and complete the degree. I saw the benefits for having a teaching liscense, even though Christian Schools do not require them, and the actual teaching-type experience I would get by student teaching. I thought this would make me more marketable upon our return to Colorado.

Stage 3: Since I want to teach Bible or Spiritual Formation I knew I was going to have to do my student teaching in a different area. Thus, it made sense, because of my BA in History, that I do my state certificate in history. I still love history and am open to that possibility as well. I also was hoping to do my student teaching in a Christian school so that I could student teach part-time history (to meet the state requirements) and teach part-time Bible (for my growth and future desired job). Since then, I had a friend who told me about a position that opened at Portland Christian to teach full time (part-time Bible/part-time History)!!! God's providence?!? Callie and I were not sure what to think about it, but we realized this could be the Lord because not only could I now get paid for student-teaching but I also would get 'actual' teaching experience rather than student teaching experience. With encouragement from a few friends, I sent the principal an email mentioning my interest in the job and explaining my school situation....

He responded saying he was very interested in speaking with me about the position and would love to get together sometime this week to talk about it. Thus, I could be going to 'quasi-interview' and chat with him about the job either Wed. morning, Thursday, or Friday afternoon. We'll see what happens. Who knows, this may not be the Lord opening the door but I want to be faithful to what God has possibly put in front of me.

Please be praying!!! I want to represent myself well and be open to what all the job entails but I also want to be honest with myself in what I am capable of doing this next year while going to school. I also do not want to take a job just because it seems to 'fit' me. Thanks for your prayers!


em said...

ahhhh, so excited and have already been on my knees with you guys!! keep us updated :)

Claudia said...

You know I will pray for God's will for you.