
life happens

whether we notice it or not (or like it or not), life is happening all the time. Little moments and big moments. happy and sad. new and repetitive. Life has definitely been happening up here in Portland. I'd like to say that i take all these moments and soak them up....that i'm taking time to stop and smell the roses, but it seems that sometimes all we have time for is a quick glance at the beuatiful bud as i drive by. But don't worry! i'm still loving where God has us right now, it just seems that it's all flying by so quickly!!! (all of that was a big excuse as to why i haven't blogged in for-e-ver! haha)
without further ado, here a few snapshots of what our life has looked like for the last couple of weeks.
First, Joanna came and visited me all the way from Pennsylvania!!! We had an awesome time of sitting and drinking coffee...yup, that's pretty much all we did :) jk, we just didn't take pictures of anything. this was just about the only picture I snapped of her (with the delicious twice baked potatoes that she made!) She is one of my dearest friends and i was so blessed by her being here.

and last weekend, i flew down to Colorado for a suprise birthday party for my mom! it went perfectly and she was truly shocked. not only did i get to be there for her birthday, but also for easter sunday. one bad thing: it snowed on easter :( so much for wearing my easter dress! this is what it looked like that morning (aunt cathy, mema, mom and me)

of course, got to hang out with my little brudder

and this weekend i was lucky enough to go to this Beth Moore conference here in Portland. It was life changing. She is such a gifted speaker/teacher and I learned soooooo much! God met me where I'm at and I feel refreshed. plus, i got to attend with my sweet friend, Jessica and Titus (who is now 5 weeks old). such a good time!

and as i sit here writing this, Brandon is finishing up some reading and urging me to hurry because he needs the computer to finish up a paper....it's never ending. fortunately his semester is coming to an end soon and he will have a small time of a "light class load" before the fall begins. pray for us :)

thanks for stopping by! hopefully i'll be keeping in touch a little better from now on.

1 comment:

em said...

i love it! so many good things :)