
75 degrees and Sunny!

That's the forecast for today! Yesterday was beautiful as well. I think it got up to 65 and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I could literally feel myself being refreshed as the day went on.My entire body was smiling as I soaked up the sun with my Oregon-white skin :). Mo and I spent the entire day outside at the Zoo and Jameson Square Park. The park just might be my favorite place downtown so far. It's right in the middle of the city and everyone was there! There's this great "fountain wall" (hard to see in the picture)in the middle that creates a shallow pool for kids to play in. Not to mention great grassy areas and plenty of benches to relax and people/dog watch. I'm trying to convince Brandon to do his homework there today so that we can take advantage of this sun while it lasts! (beautiful view of the park)


Hannah said...

that IS a great view! Callie, i AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! i know that you are the sun-shine girl and i know that your time in the northwest is not condusive to your need for warm sun. i'm grateful for the beautiful days you have been enjoying.

i think you slipped your rain over here! it's been raining now for the last 4 days! shoot us some sun, too, lovie!

em said...

beautiful park!!

em said...

beautiful park!!

em said...

beautiful park!!