
To follow Jesus in authentic community for the world...

That is our church's mission statement...and we love it. We spent the majority of our day today in the basement of our church in a "partnership" class. It's basically like "membership" except going a step further. Mosaic asks that instead of simply being served and becoming a member, that you go a step further in serving the church and being involved. They talked all about the "ins and outs" of what they believe, areas to serve, and f.a.q's. We also got to meet our lead pastor and chat over lunch. Hearing him talk about his story and answer questions about where the church stands on certain issues only made us love the church more. All of that to say that we are proud to now consider ourselves officially partners with Mosaic.
We also are "greeters" at the early service. We were inspired by a guy who greets at our old church: Rocky Mtn.Calvary Chapel in Colo Spgs. His name is Donnie and he makes everyone feel welcome. You really have to meet him to understand. He makes everyone feel like he's their best friend and is completely genuine about it. His love for God's people radiates from his big smile. People would line up at his door to get into church just because of how he made them feel. That is our goal. Not that others would recognize us, but that they would leave knowing that they are important and loved.
Another thing that we have been thinking a lot about lately is community. Specifically "authentic community": what is it, what does it look like, how do you cultivate it? I would say that finding that community has been one of the hardest things for us up here. I won't go into all the details, but if you have any insight on this subject we would love to hear.
That's about it for now. We are still in decision-making mode as far as my job goes. so if you think about it, we covet your prayers. hope to hear from ALL of you soon:) haha
oh, and I miss my Jo and warm weather...


Taylor and Joanna said...

We are having warm weather today!!! You should come visit! I miss you too! I am praying for you!

Hannah said...

i love to hear your heart about your chuch and am so grateful that you have found a place to serve and grow with others in "authentic community" - what a wonderful thing! and we agree with you about donnie. he truly does have the gift of hospitality!

Sarah Saunier said...

Authentic community is something that I have thought a lot about, and I think is something that everyone desires, yet so hard to find. I am glad that you have found a church that focuses on that.