
This Weekend

My dear friend Emily unexpectedly came down for a visit this weekend! I love her so much and soak up every minute I can with her. Every word that comes out of her mouth is dripping with the love of Jesus and she's a great friend.
We spent the day yesterday hanging out with Mo, eating at a new crepe bistro, getting pedicures, shopping in second-hand stores, and eating ice cream while watching movies. Sometimes I crave time with friends that are familiar and it was just that. This morning we got up and went to church and then spent precious time talking over chipotle burrito bowls. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at taking pictures but she'll be back soon and I'll make up for it then.
Now that she has left to make the trek back up to Seattle, I will spend the rest of the evening reading and getting ready for the week while Brandon wraps up everything for his last week of classes! He's super excited for the break in classes and a time to catch his breath.

1 comment:

em said...