
Nothing New

well, sorry I haven't blogged in a couple of days but things are really calming down around here. there's not a whole lot going on (see, i told you after we posted our pictures that we wouldn't have anything to blog about!).
I have started babysitting here and there for a couple of families. It's good to get out of the house and have something to do:) Brandon is really loving his job as an Enrollment Counselor. He's "on his own" now (no trainer) and is going to be giving his first tour of the campus soon! it's such a perfect job for him.
we miss everyone at home so much. it's fun being out here and exploring a new city, but we wish we could share it with all of y'all.
stay tuned for more adventures in the northwest! (and I'll post pictures next time!)


Taylor and Joanna said...

Happy Anniversary!

em said...

i second that!! one year already! wow....what an adventure. :0)