
Oh, How Time Flies...

One year ago we were pledging our vows to each other and to God. Today, we look back and see His faithfulness to us in our marriage and in guiding our steps. It's good to take a step back sometime and look at your life. Are we living out our vows like we promised to? Are we dedicated to serving God like He calls us to? Are we running with all our might the race set before us? We had a great time this weekend, looking back on the past and evaluating--remembering God's faithfulness to us.

For our anniversary, we decided to go to Cannon Beach (about 1.5 hours west of Portland). It's a beautiful place...although "much more cloudy than usual" is what we kept hearing:) Supposedly it's been one of the most gloomy summers--as the locals said. Cloudy or not, we had a blast and were able to stay in a cute little cottage about a block from the ocean (a suprise from Brandon). What a good time to relax and recharge.

In front of the infamous "Haystack Rock".

Yes, our wedding cake made the trip with us to Portland. No, it was not soaked in green chile juice (long story). Yes, we did eat it. No, it was not very good...edible, but not good:)

Our cozy little cottage.

This was a cat that befriended us as we drank our coffee after dinner. I told Brandon that it was a sign that we should take him home. He didn't agree. Unfortunately, we are still pet-less.


em said...

absolutely beautiful-how fun to remember back and what a northwesterny way to celebrate your anniversary! LOVE YOU BOTH! God is so good!

Taylor and Joanna said...

Our cake is still in my parents freezer:) We are going to start a new tradition, maybe we will eat it on our second or third anniversary.

Brandon and Callie said...

yea, the cake wasn't very good. maybe you should create a new tradition without the cake! we'll follow yours:)

MaryBeth said...

hey I recognize that blanket in the pic w/the kitty! Looks amazing there, I am really ready to come now!