
they brought a smile to my face

I thought that I would share some mail that I got a couple of weeks ago. These may not look like much to you, but they are the single greatest letter/picture that I have ever gotten! The two girls that I used to nanny for have become my "pen pals":) Natalie (6 1/2 yrs.) wrote the great letter while Lydia (3 1/2 yrs) drew the lovely picture for me. They are both hanging up in my kitchen and whenever I need a smile, I'm able to look at them. Even though I miss them dearly, it makes me so happy to think about them and all the fun times that we had. I pray that they would continue to grow into all that God has for them.
Hi, Natalie and Lydia!!!


em said...

awwww....so sweet! :0)

MaryBeth said...

so cute! So, is your mom having fun with them?